Our Impact
Achievers Are 50% More Likely to Open Their Own Business
To measure the value of the programs delivered by JA across Canada, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) completed a year-long study to assess the impact of JA Canada's mission…
To inspire youth to make better financial decisions, start a company, develop a career plan and express their innovative spirit.
Results from the study prove JA programs make a substantial impact on Canada's economy. Not only are they critical toward the development of a skilled and talented workforce, they motivate a new generation of responsible citizens as well.

Over 80% of alumni credit JA with a positive impact on their communication skills, decision making, and interpersonal skills, as well as on their self confidence!

More than 75% of Achievers credit JA with being the force behind their financial literacy skills of budgeting, long-term planning, and investing

Achievers are 50% more likely to open their own business which leads to innovation, new jobs, and wealth creation

Over 80% of Achievers credit having taken JA programs as having been an important part of developing their leadership and problem solving skills

Over 75% of Achievers believe that taking JA programs was a critical driver of their success in the work force

Achievers are3x less likelyto spend more than they earn
Achieversearn 50% more, on averagethan those who do not benefit from our programs.
65% of Achievers indicate that JA had a significant impact onstayingin school and enrolling in post-secondary education
Over 75% of Achievers would retake the programand recommend it to their peers
Over 80% of Achievers cite JA as important indeveloping their analytical capabilities and business sense.

JA creates an annual return of $45 for every one dollar spent, in terms of societal prosperity by helping youth stay in school; encouraging new businesses; and providing today’s youth with valuable skills they will need to participate and succeed in a global economy
An annual impact on Canada’s economy – directly attributed to the work of JA – of $105 million

The study attributes $425 million per year in Canada to direct entrepreneurial activity by Junior Achievers